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HLB. More than 5 reasons to be on alert
- Considered the most devastating of citrus diseases: HLB affects all its varieties and rootstock. No resistant genotype has been found
- Native to Southeast Asia, has spread in a decade to almost every citrus-growing region of the world.
- The world’s largest citrus producers are already affected and suffer significant economic losses.
- HLB is caused by three species of bacteria, transmitted by insects Trioza erytreae and Diaphorina citri.
- Trioza erytreae has been detected in Madeira Island and the Canary Islands. Since 2014, this HLB vector has been also found in Galicia (Spain) and the Portuguese north and central coast
HLB. More than 5 reasons to be on alert
- Considered the most devastating of citrus diseases: HLB affects all its varieties and rootstock. No resistant genotype has been found
- Native to Southeast Asia, has spread in a decade to almost every citrus-growing region of the world.
- The world’s largest citrus producers are already affected and suffer significant economic losses.
- HLB is caused by three species of bacteria, transmitted by insects Trioza erytreae and Diaphorina citri.
- Both insects have been detected in the Azores and the Canary Islands. Trioza erytreae was detected in the Iberian Peninsula.



PreHLB is formed by a multidisciplinary consortium led by the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Plant Biology – IBMCP (CSIC-UPV, Spain). It is a well-balanced group made up by various research centers, universities, consultancy firms and private companies from 6 different European countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands) and 3 countries of the world (Brasil, China and Israel).