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Alert: The Asian citrus psyllid has already arrived in the Mediterranean, The HLB vector Diaphorina citri has been detected in Israel

By hlb-editor | January 27, 2022 | Event and News, News, Press Releases | 0 comments


The Asian citrus psyllid, or Diaphorina citri (ACP-Asian Citrus Psyllid), is the insect vector of the most aggressive bacterium associated with Huanglongbing disease (HLB), which is considered the most serious citrus disease.

The Pre-HLB project researchers Marcelo Miranda (Fundecitrus, Brazil), Alberto Fereres (ICA-CSIC), Ofir Bahar (Volcani, Israel) and Leandro Peña (IBMCP-CSIC) are collaborating with the Israeli phytosanitary authorities. The initial outbreak was located, in July 2021, very close to Netanya, a fairly large city north of Tel Aviv, where there are many orange and mandarin plantations. The application of insecticide treatments seems to have brought the outbreak under control by November. The onset of winter also helped to reduce the insect population, which is likely to multiply again in early spring.

Although the presence of HLB-associated bacteria was not found in any of the insects, we must be alert: i) due to the characteristics of a vector capable of flying 1 km per week (and more in windy areas), ii) because, in the first detection, adults and all stages of development of the insect were already found.  This leads us to think that it was detected when it had probably already been there for several months, which makes it very difficult to eradicate at this stage.

Pre-HLB is in contact with the local authorities through the Volcani centre, a project partner. One of our recommendations was to communicate the situation to the population as soon as possible to try to count on their help in the detection and possible eradication of the insect. This point is essential as Netanya has houses with courtyards, gardens, etc. with citrus and related ornamental trees where the Asian citrus psyllid could take refuge.

We will keep you informed.