Workshop on ‘The threat of Huanglongbing or citrus Greening. Strategies for citrus nursery plant production’
By hlb-editor | March 25, 2022 | Event and News, News | 0 comments

The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition of the Government of Valencia organized a technical workshop on the threat of HLB in citrus farming.
The workshop entitled ‘The threat of Huanglongbing or citrus Greening. Strategies for citrus nursery plant production’ was held the 7th of April 2022 as part of the PRE-HLB project.
This workshop is aimed at technical personnel related to plant health, farmers and plant protection associations from Spain that grow citrus fruits and will be held in Vinalab, Vinaròs (Castellón).
We were able to count on 40 attendees, among them nurserymen, plant health technicians and different associations of the sector. At the beginning of the event, attendees were given specific dissemination material on the HLB disease and its potential vectors: a Field Manual with several detailed photos and a brief explanation, a poster with photos with basic information and an informative poster. The presentations focused on the important work of the sector in the application of preventive tools and the future state subsidies for professional operators of certain Plant Material producer categories who invest in biosecurity in nurseries were announced. At the round table, much interest was shown in the subsidies for the adaptation of facilities.
The event began at 9:25 CET with the inauguration and presentation of the webinar by Guillem Alsina, City Council of Vinaròs. After that they followed Leandro Peña (CSIC) with ‘Disease and its vectors. Risks in mediterranean citriculture’, Luis Navarro (CSIC advisor) with ‘Safe production of certified seedlings is essential for HLB prevention and control’, Paco Piñero (Plant Health Service) with ‘Aids for biosafety facilities for plant propagating materials’, Mari Carmen Vives (IVIA Researcher) with ‘Citrus sanitary improvement program: First line of defense against HLB’ and Carles Escrivà (SSV-Plant Certification Section) with ‘Phytosanitary regulations’. Finally the event will end in a roundtable.