Event and News, News

Second technical workshop on the threat of HLB in citrus farming

By hlb-editor | May 18, 2021 | Event and News, News | 0 comments

‘The HLB. Preventive management techniques’ will be divided between the 15th and 16th of June 2021


The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition of the Government of Valencia will organize the second technical workshop on the threat of HLB in citrus farming.

The webinar entitled ‘The HLB. Preventive management techniques’ will be divided between the 15th and 16th of June 2021 as part of the PRE-HLB project.

This workshop is aimed at technical personnel related to plant health, farmers and plant protection associations from Spain, Portugal and other European countries that grow citrus fruits.

The first part will begin at 17:00 CET with the inauguration and presentation of the webinar by Antonio Quintana Martínez, General Director of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. After that they will follow Leandro Peña (CSIC) with ‘General disease overview and risks in Mediterranean citrus cultivation’, Amílcar Duarte (Universidade do Algarve) with ‘Management of the vector Trioza Erytreae and prevention measures against the disease in Portugal’, Renato Beozzo Bassanezi (Fundecitrus) that will talk about Citrus Health Management Areas – CHMA and the last speaker of the day will be Alberto Fereres (ICA- CSIC) with Potential vectors. Current Situation in Spain And Portugal. Means of Control.

The second part, that will take place the 16th of June will count with the participation of Ana Crespo Sempere (Valgenetics) with Detection Techniques. Specific Kits, Luis Navarro (CSIC consultant) Impact of Illegal Import and Importance of Certification; and Sara García Figuera (UC – Davis) that will talk about Citrus Area Health Management in California

Both sessions will finish with an open round of questions. The technical workshop will be held completely online, in Spanish and the registration to the event can be found in this link or by clicking the agenda below.